Construction Industry  

Construction Industry Scheme help and advice ensuring local Devon businesses are HMRC compliant. 

Keeping our local Construction Industry compliant. 

Construction Industry Scheme 
APB Accountants work throughout Devon with businesses in the construction industry helping them ensure they are HMRC compliant. APB Accountants ensure they keep up to date with all changes to the Construction Industry Scheme informing clients of any changes which affect them. 
What is the CIS? 
For the CIS, contractors deduct money from subcontractor's payments which are then passed onto HMRC. These deductions are counted as advance payments for the subcontractors tax and National Insurance. 
Who Should Register for the CIS? 
Building contractors are required to register for the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS). Subcontractors are not required to register, however, it can be in their best interests to do so. 
How can APB Accountants help? 
APB Accountants will ensure that your business is fully compliant with the latest CIS regulations regarding HMRC. APB Accountants will make the necessary calculations of tax and national insurance contributions, for each individual sub- contractor working within your business. 
If you are a building contractor in Ilfracombe, Barnstaple or Devon and would like to make an enquiry call